Archives for category: Religious

Christians observe the Feast of St. Joseph.

Iran marks the National Day of Oil, to commemorate the nationalization of its oil fields in 1963.

Each year, Mission San Juan Capistrano (California) celebrates the return of the swallows.

The Battle of Azua (1844) is remembered in the Dominican Republic.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Suffolk County, Massachusetts observes Evacuation Day.

Festa della Rificolona dates back to the mid 17th century and is dedicated to celebrating the birth of the Virgin Mary.  Florentines and people from the surrounding areas travel to the city and participate in a procession holding paper lanterns on a stick  (aka “rificolone”).  Traditionally, farmers would bring their goods with them – vegetables, cheese, honey, handmade goods – and sell them.  Today, a market is still held in the square.

Dates: September 7, 2012

Location(s): Florence, Italy

Venue(s): Piazza Santissima Annunziata

More info:

PHOTOS/IMAGES: All rights reserved by Agenzia per il Turismo di Firenze

Born on this day: Hamilton Lavity Stoutt, the first Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands.

Purim begins in the evening of March 7 and ends in the evening of March 8.

North Korea marks Anti-Japanese Uprising Day.

Today is Grandmother March Day (aka “Baba Marta“) in Bulgaria.

Paraguay celebrates Heroes’ Day.

It’s Independence Movement Day in South Korea.

The following states were admitted to the Union on March 1: Vermont (1791), Ohio (1803), and Nebraska (1867).

Switzerland observes Instauration de la Republique.

Today is International Women of Color Day.

Happy Memorial Day, Marshall Islands!

It’s International Day of the Seal.

Wales celebrates St. David’s Day, the feast day of its patron saint.

The Yap Day Festival takes place today in Micronesia.

The U.S. observes National Pig Day.

Romania welcomes Spring with Martisor Day.

Drink up, Iceland; it’s Beer Day.

The Omizutori Festival begins today in Japan and continues through March 14.

Happy Independence Day, Dominican Republic!

Born on this day: American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807).

Ecuador marks National Unity Day.

It’s Green Monday (aka “Clean Monday”) in Cyprus and Greece,denoting the beginning of Lent.


Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Bulgaria marks Trifon Zarezan (aka “Wine Grower’s Day”).

Arizona was admitted to the Union on this day in 1912 while Oregon was admitted on this day in 1859.

Today is the Feast Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Liberia marks Armed Forces Day.

It’s National Foundation Day in Japan.

Youth Day is a national holiday in Cameroon.

Born on this day: American inventor Thomas Edison (1847)

Iran observes their Victory of the Revolution.

Vatican City became independent on this day in 1929.

Catholics commemorate the Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck.

Today is Plimsoll Day, commemorating British coal merchant, reformer, and politician Samuel Plimsoll who was born on this day in 1824.

The St. Scholastica Day Riot occurred in Oxford on this day in 1355.

Lebanon observes the Feast of St. Maroun.

Born on this day: 9th U.S. President William Henry Harrison (1773).