Archives for posts with tag: Greece

Happy Independence Day, Dominican Republic!

Born on this day: American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807).

Ecuador marks National Unity Day.

It’s Green Monday (aka “Clean Monday”) in Cyprus and Greece,denoting the beginning of Lent.


32nd U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on this day in 1882.

Jordan celebrates King Abdullah‘s birthday.

Greece commemorates the Three Holy Hierarchs.

Greece observes National Cretan Day, to honor the Cretan martyrs of the 1866 revolution.

The Feast of St. Demetrius (aka “Mitrovdan”) is celebrated in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Today is the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Aishwarya in Nepal.

It’s the Feast Day of St. Michael in Bulgaria.

In 1889, Montana was admitted to the Union.

Niue celebrates Peniamina Gospel Day, in observance of the beginning of the nation’s conversion to Christianity in 1846.

Happy Independence Day to Czech Republic!

It’s Ochi Day in Greece, Cyprus and other Greek communities, marking the anniversary of the day in 1940 that Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas denied the Italians’ ultimatum for entrance and occupation of Greece (or face war).

The Feast of Saint Jude is observed today by Christians around the world.

On this day in 1886, the Statue of Liberty was officially unveiled to the public by U.S. President Grover Cleveland.


Greece celebrates the Feast of the Cross.

San Jacinto Day is observed in Nicaragua, in remembrance of the battle at Hacienda San Jacinto and Nicaraguan independence (1856).